Personal injury and wrongful death provide some of the most painful experiences we’ll ever suffer through. When you are victim in an accident or other set of unfortunate circumstances (whether or not you live in Northern Michigan) you are entitled to seek compensation from those responsible for your physical and emotional pain. In addition to the obvious slip and fall – or motor vehicle accident, compensation can also be sought for those falling victim to either medical malpractice or product liability.
Medical malpractice cases are those under which a medical practitioner (not necessarily a physician) acts negligently and, therefore, causes another either injury or death – including their pain and suffering.
If, through trial, medical malpractice is shown to exist, you (as the plaintiff) are usually awarded compensation for your pain, suffering, medical-associated expenses and lost wages (for both current and future earnings).
Product liability is a type of personal injury case in which you sue a product’s manufacturer for appropriate compensation for the injury you sustained by the defective product. These types of cases usually involve a design or manufacturing defect.
Contact our Boyne City law office for a free consultation.